Will A Christmas Tree Fit In Your Porsche?

THE ANSWER: Where there’s a will, there’s a way!  This lovely young lady came to the farm this afternoon seeking her perfect Christmas Tree.

THE PROBLEM: The young lady was driving a very sporty Porsche convertible.  

Usually, we’re happy to help tie your Christmas Tree to the roof of your car, SUV or minivan, or load it into your van or pickup.But Porsche convertibles are an entirely different matter because we can’t tie the tree to the roof.  Now necessity being the Mother if Invention, creative thinking just had to come into play.

THE SOLUTION:  Drop the top!  That’s right, top down on this brisk but sunny December day was the way to go!  We loaded the young lady’s Christmas Tree into the passenger seat of her Porsche, and everyone is happy!

We wished her a very Merry Christmas and off she went! And we bet she and her “passenger” turned more than a few heads on the way home!

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