Tiny Trees For Kids!

Hidden Pond’s own Emma Nicholson has a special place in her heart for “tiny trees” – just for kids!  For the first time this year, Tiny Trees are available at the farm so younger family members can finally have a Christmas Tree for their very own. 

The inspiration for the new offering came from a family tradition, as each Christmas, Emma was allowed to select her own tiny tree for her room, decorating it with a style all her own.

After winning the First Place Prize in the 2016 New Jersey Christmas Tree Growers Association’s Tabletop Division, family farmer Emma wanted other kids to enjoy “Tiny Trees”, too.  So after asking dad, Chris, if Hidden Pond could create a new offering of Tiny Trees, it was a go!

If you’d like to add a Tiny Tree to your home – just for kids – be sure to ask when you come out to the farm!

If adding a Tiny Tree to your child’s room, be sure to keep it well watered, and place it away from the bedroom door and any heat source.

PS – We’re pleased to share Emma’s winning idea as featured in Gardener News below – just mouseover the link to read the PDF of the article:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://hiddenpondtreefarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/HP-Chris-and-Emma-Nicholson-Article-Gardner-News-Dec-2016.pdf” title=”HP Chris and Emma Nicholson Article Gardner News Dec 2016″]

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