A Leap Of Faith

In 1999 I took a leap of faith and started Hidden Pond Tree farm with my late partner and friend Suzanne deNeufville. She placed her faith in me and helped me to pursue my dream of owning and operating a nursery and Christmas tree farm in my hometown.
There was no road, no parking lot, no fence, and most of all no trees. All that we had was our faith in one another and our mutual love of trees, conservation, nature and the outdoors.
There have been many highs and many lows through the years. Ask any farmer and he or she will tell you the same. But I have endured the lows and greatly enjoyed the highs.
I spend nearly every day on this farm. Planting in the spring. Shearing and pruning in the summer. Preparing for the harvest in the fall. I work in near isolation on my trees throughout the season. I pursue my dreams. I dance with nature and all things living.
I love my work. I love the pursuit of growing perfect Christmas trees.

There are many types of farmers. Some grow vegetables to feed the masses. Some grow grains to feed the cattle. All farmers grow something to feed someone. But I am a Christmas tree farmer. What I grow will feed your soul. And that is why I love what I do.
Each year my farms grows and changes, as do my trees, as do I. Most leave with a tree, some do not. But everyone leaves with a memory. I will sell you a Christmas tree and perhaps a wreath or two. You will have to pay for those. What you will not pay for is your time spent on my farm enjoying the outdoors, the fresh air, the abundant wildlife, and most of all the spirit of Christmas.
Suzanne will always be my friend and partner. Although she passed away before we sold our first tree, I know she is watching over me, this farm and all who visit us this and every Christmas season.
This farm operates in her memory.
Merry Christmas,